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Monday 24 October 2011

A Knitting Success

I haven't knitted a successful garment for a long time. I took some sock knitting to France in the camper this summer but I had to give up because it was bamboo. It was so slippery. All went well till I made a mistake and correcting made all the stitches ladder.
The fabric below is a combo of Wensleydale Longwool and Lion Homespun.It is my new winter cardigan. I got some lovely vintage brass buttons on ebay and the heavy knitting has good drape and so the collar fell into place well.

Then... I put it on. It's so very big but warm and comfy. I could pretend to be a sylph like figure below all the miles of knitted yarn but I'm not. It is soft and snuggly and will be well used if the weather turns into the winter they have forecast.

It is mild today and I have trouble believing that it will soon be cold enough to need it. We walked to the farm shop and it felt like early summer instead of early winter.

Cheers Gillian


Sue said...

I think that cardigan really suits you Gillian. Yes I am sure you will have a freezing cold winter as we have had a very cold one here. We even had a hailstorm here last weekend and it looked as though it had snowed as you couldnt see the bark!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gillian! It's so good to read your blog again! As usual with winter fashion knitwear is making a huge comeback, but you have sorted out your fashion worries with your cardigan! Hope you are well x

Jennifer AKA keewee said...

Gillian, your new cardigan looks so nice and cuddly.

stitching and opinions said...

Looks good. Nice wools. I got the knitting bug as I usually do about this time each year, so I started a little waistcoat for g'son. [the bug isn't very virulent and soon goes away].
However I can't decide what size he is as haven't seen him since summer, so when daughter sends measurements I may have to frog it and start again...............