A house with a walled garden, softened by hedges and a new wisteria. I live surrounded by auction finds, other treasures, stores of food, stocks of wine, too many clothes, walls of books and pictures... and rooms filled with comfort and activities. I share all this with DJ and the cat. I paint, I cook, I travel and I walk. Read more on my blog...Withinthewalledgarden.blogspot.com
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Monday, 8 November 2010
Riverside Riches
Last Saturday the weather was so gorgeous that we were tempted down to the River Wear for a walk, where it skirts the north of Bishop Auckland. Autumn colours have been glorious this year.
The viaduct in the background of this picture once carried the railway northwards. The line now stops at Bishop Auckland Station, about a mile further south. Fortunately, someone came up with the idea of putting a new road on top of the "Eleven Arches" before it got demolished. Much of the old railway and mining fabric of the north has been demolished or obliterated. There is no doubt that the countryside is now very attractive and eyesores were removed but the big D-for-demolition stamp was used frequently in the offices of the town planners in the 1960s and 1970s and some great treasures were lost in the haste to modernise.
The copse of trees lit up by the sun on the hill across the river to the north, hides the old site and remains of the Roman Cavalry Fort of Binchester. One of the forts on the Roman road from York to Hadrians Wall.
The Gaunless (olde englishe for useless) River flows through Auckland Park and the grounds of the Bishop's Palace and then into the River Wear over this weir.
The grand old trees of the park provide shelter for flora and fauna from deer to fungi. Deer are shy and move fast but fungi are a photographer's dream.
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Yes in did the fungi are photographers dream.
What a lovely day's walk Gillian. The fungi look great and you will be able to look back over your pics when your inside hiding from the snow!
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