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Sunday 25 August 2013

Harry Potter Takes over Alnwick Castle

Spring seems to produce yellow flowers everywhere, whereas Summer seems to bring on the purple ones.
All sorts of thistles produce purple flowers.
The blackberries are approaching purple/black.
And the purple heather blazes across the tops of the moors. We took B, DJ's grand-daughter, across the top of the moors in Durham. She had pictured all moors to be  like those that can be run across whilst calling "Heathcliffe!". But they are to be found a little bit further south in Yorkshire. The heather is like a foot deep carpet of purple wonder right now and we enjoyed it at its best.
After trips to the moors and the seaside and the ice-cream farm we settled in at home for a lovely weekend.
Last weekend we decided to visit Alnwick Castle. DJ has not been there before and I remembered it well from years ago.
Last time I visited, I parked here, out the front, and sauntered in to have a look at the gift shop, have a cup of tea and leave mother to enjoy herself in a sedentary way while I went round the Castle for £6.00.
No more.
Now it is best to park away up the hill out of town, behind the new "Garden". We did and headed off to see the castle and later the town.
Much of the castle is now devoted to cashing in on "Harry Potter". This small crowd are learning how to ride broomsticks. Brilliantly done. And much more is well displayed and superbly catered for. I'm sure the profits are well used to maintain the old castle.
The Garden is a different venue. As we are OAPs we get in to the castle for £12. The ticket can last for a year of visits. The Garden is another £12.!
We left after the crowds started to arrive in droves and went down to the beach at Alnmouth and stayed the afternoon and had tea in the pub and then came home. A Grand Day Out.

1 comment:

carol said...

Well I wish someone would teach my broomstick to fly straight. I think it needs its tail twigs adjusting.

It all looks like great fun - pity about the hike in prices but castles here are costly and don't have H. Potter only the occasional ghost!